Social Call Media

Creating an online presence for businesses and brands


About Us

At Social Call we understand luxury lifestyle in Southern California and cater to the entrepreneur whose primary focus is doing what they do best, running their business. We know how to speak to a niche market and do it well. We take social media marketing tasks off our clients’ hands and execute them with professionalism & expertise. At Social Call we place an emphasis on creating a positive client experience that is focused, to the point and streamlined, so business owners can get back to business.



“Social Media is an exciting industry that changes every day. To stay on top of the new trends in technology is every bit as important as the social aspect.”

Susie Saladino, Founder


Who We Are

I have had an affinity for social media from the beginning, coupled with an inherent understanding for how and why it worked. When I was asked to write a blog for a friend’s website and to start doing some of his social media work, it made sense that I should go back to school and learn the latest techniques for running and managing a social media campaign for all levels of business. While working in the field, I was able to complete a Social Media Marketing degree at University of San Francisco which emphasized delivering a return on investment for my clients. Being quite social by nature I felt very comfortable with the engagement aspect of SMM, but moreover I learned from my professors at USF how to deliver measurable results.

Susie Saladino, President and Founder


Our Clients